
Get the month part of a date & time string.

DTMonth PROTO lpszDateTimeString:QWORD, DateFormat:QWORD


  • lpszDateTimeString - Pointer to a buffer containing the date & time string to retrieve the month portion from. The format of the date & time string is determined by the DateFormat parameter.

  • DateFormat - Value indicating the date & time format used in the buffer pointed to by lpszDateTimeString parameter. The parameter can contain one of the following constants as listed in the DateTime Formats page and as defined in the DateTime.inc include file.


Returns the month value in RAX


DateTimeStringValue db "2008/03/21 16:21:01:00",0

MonthValue dq ?

Invoke DTMonth, Addr DateTimeStringValue, CCYYMMDDHHMMSSMS
mov MonthValue, rax ; save month part of date value to data variable
; rax should contain 3


qwMonth1 dq ?
qwMonth2 dq ?

Invoke DTMonth, CTEXT("27/02/2009"), DDMMCCYY
mov qwMonth1, rax ; save month to variable

Invoke DTMonth, CTEXT("03/03/2009"), DDMMCCYY
mov qwMonth2, rax ; save month to variable

mov rbx, qwMonth1 ; place month1 variable in rbx
sub rax, rbx ; subtract month2 from month1, rax = 1 in this example

See Also

DTDay, DTYear, DTIsLeapYear, DTDayOfWeek, DateTime Formats