
Converts DWORD values containing date & time information to a formatted date & time string as specified by the DateFormat parameter.

DTDwordDateTimeToDateTimeString PROTO dwDate:DWORD, dwTime:DWORD, lpszDateTimeString:DWORD, DateFormat:DWORD


  • dwDate - DWORD value containing Date information to convert to the date & time string

The format for the value containing the date information is as follows:

date DWORD Register Bits:

| WORD                   | BYTE       | BYTE      |
| Bits 31-16             | Bits 15-8  | Bits 7-0  |
| Century Year           | Month      | Day       |
| CCCCYY                 | MM         | DD        |
  • dwTime - DWORD value containing Time information to convert to the date & time string

The format for the value containing the time information is as follows:

time DWORD Register Bits:

| BYTE       | BYTE       | BYTE      | BYTE      |
| Bits 31-23 | Bits 23-16 | Bits 15-8 | Bits 7-0  |
| Hour       | Minute     | Second    | Millisec  |
| HH         | MM         | SS        | MS        |
  • lpszDateTimeString - Pointer to a buffer to store the date & time string. The format of the date & time string is determined by the DateFormat parameter.

  • DateFormat - Value indicating the date & time format to return in the buffer pointed to by lpszDateTimeString parameter. The parameter can contain one of the following constants as listed in the DateTime Formats page and as defined in the DateTime.inc include file.


No return value



DateTimeStringValue db DATETIME_STRING dup (0) ; buffer to store date and time as string
DateValue dd 0
TimeValue dd 0

xor eax, eax
mov eax, 1974 ; save year
shl eax, 16 ; move it into upper word of eax
mov ah, 03 ; save month
mov al, 15 ; save day
mov DateValue, eax
xor eax, eax
mov ah, 12 ; save hours
mov al, 34 ; save minutes
shl eax, 16 ; move it into upper word of eax
mov ah, 01 ; save seconds
mov al, 0 ; save milliseconds
mov TimeValue, eax

Invoke DTDwordDateTimeToDateTimeString, DateValue, TimeValue, Addr DateTimeStringValue, CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
; DateTimeStringValue will now contain "1974/03/15 12:36:01"

See Also

DTDateTimeStringToDwordDateTime, DateTime Formats, DTGetDateTime